Types Of Insurance For New Businesses

Types Of Insurance For New Businesses

I have been a small business owner for years. For anyone who is starting a business this year, I wanted to share something I wish I knew at the start of my journey. Purchasing business insurance can be very confusing, which why many small business owners do not even...
Advice For Carpet Care and Stain Removal

Advice For Carpet Care and Stain Removal

Despite the fact that carpets give a room a certain look and feel that wooden flooring cannot match, many people avoid carpets. Why? It’s simple; they can be a nightmare to clean. If you spill a glass of juice or a bottle of wine on a wooden floor, it can be easily...


Hello, fellow Yogis! Today we’re going to talk about lifestyle rather than just yoga, but I think most of you will appreciate my thought process here. I like to think yoga is a part of a healthy and natural lifestyle – that is, a lifestyle that stays away from much of...
Finding Inner Peace During The Storm

Finding Inner Peace During The Storm

One of the most important lessons I have learned in life is that real growth takes the rain and the shine. And sometimes, when it rains, it pours. “The only constant in life is change” – Heraclitus. Storms teach us how to find...

Yoga Isn’t The Only Way To Find Peace

Hello, class, and namaste! Today we’re going to be talking a little bit about something that gives people some peace of mind OTHER than yoga: insurance. Specifically, business insurance. I don’t have to tell anyone that we live in a fairly litigious society – if...

Simplifying My Morning Beauty Routine

It all started in hot yoga class. I could not stop staring at my instructor. How did she make it seem so effortless? How did it look so natural? And how did she do it all in a hot sauna? No, I wasn’t thinking all of this about her yoga moves. (Although she does have...