Hello everyone, I have great news and a little story for you all! Business has been booming and our yoga study has been bursting at the seams. So much so that I had to extend our hours and hire another yoga instructor to meet all of the demand. Just as I thought, our eco-friendly yoga classes are a big hit in Orange County. I couldn’t be happier with the success that we have been having and our new teacher, she is amazing!

She is from South America and so she gives a little ethnic flair to our staff and classes. She was working at a yoga studio in Buenos Aires and wanted a change of scenery. I found her through some yoga forums that we were both in. We got to know each other years ago and became friends. She even came up to visit a few years back. All the way back then I was thinking about how fun it would be to have her working here. Well, the stars aligned and we were able to bring her on. We needed another teacher and she was looking for a new opportunity. Perfect fit!

We started planning out how this would all work. I went through all the hoops to get her a working visa, paid for her plane ticket, had housing set, everything was lined up. And then…she flew into LAX and got stuck at customs! I talked to the friendly officers, but they said that they couldn’t let her in because something was wrong with her paperwork. I couldn’t believe it! I needed her at the studio right away and I had personally done everything to make sure we didn’t have any hiccups, but here we were. I needed a local immigration attorney fast! Orange County is where my home is and so I started looking there. We have a lot of immigrants in Southern California and so I figured we could find someone good.

Let me tell you, I was not disappointed. After a little calling around, we ended up working with this amazing lady, Kiran. She drove right up to LAX that day with me and helped us to get everything worked out! It took a little time, but Kiran had so much experience it went really smoothly and was much less stressful than I was expecting. She seemed to know exactly what to do. Before too long we had our new teacher down in the studio and we were all eating organic, grass-fed crickets for dinner. The next day she was already teaching classes for us.

It’s been a few weeks since then and things have been going super well. The new teacher’s classes are already filling up. We are now able to cater to the Spanish speaking community and more and more people are coming to check us out. Not to mention that I have a new best friend to practice yoga with! Life is good! And the next time I need any assistance with immigration, I’ll be hitting Kiran up again. You can check her out here:

K Nair Law Group, P.C.
31897 Del Obispo St Suite 225, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
(949) 493-4150