by NamasteLocal | Sep 9, 2024 | Massage Therapists
When I woke up one morning sore in the same place that hadn’t eased up for over a month, I started to wonder if perhaps it wasn’t going to pass like a fleeting moment. In some ways, life is a spiritual journey of learning how to endure suffering by recognizing that...
by NamasteLocal | Jan 2, 2024 | Massage Therapists
Yogis come to the divine art through a multitude of unique paths. For some, their portal to yoga is spiritual. For others, it is the pursuit of improved health and fitness. I was pleasantly surprised to meet the teenage daughter of one of the studio members. The...
by NamasteLocal | May 30, 2023 | Cannabis Security
These days, it seems like there are so few of us who intentionally slow down. As a yogi and teacher, I’m no stranger to the energy that consumes us all—the pressure to achieve things, buy things, go places, see places, and more. My passion for holistic...
by NamasteLocal | Jan 17, 2023 | Landscaper
I recently read a World Economic Forum article about cities that were “rewilding”. I love that term. Rewilding. It made me think of what we as humans would be like if we were more in tune with our primitive selves. Unlike our ancestors, we no longer...
by NamasteLocal | Nov 15, 2022 | Artificial Turf
As optimistic as I believe it is important to be as a matter of principle, life is, after all, a journey of unpredictable highs and lows. We hope and pray for the best. We can do our best today and embrace the outcome of whatever our triumphs and failures eventually...