by NamasteLocal | Feb 17, 2020 | Creative Office Design
Last weekend I was thinking about the early days of setting up my yoga studio. That was a time when all I had was a dream. I bootstrapped everything on my own. It was so difficult in the beginning because I didn’t know if I would be able to pull it off:...
by NamasteLocal | Oct 23, 2019 | Creative Office Design
If there’s one thing yoga has taught me, it’s how much I was killing my back without realizing it. As a civilization of humans who work at our computers for most of our lives, it’s crazy to think that we are subjecting ourselves to hunching and...
by MossYoga | Apr 24, 2018 | Creative Office Design
As you may know, Yoga is not just a series of stretches and poses that help shape your body in wonderfully sensitive ways. Yoga is a way of life. Understanding Yoga is to understand your body and your mind. the original Yogi’s in the ancient Hindu religions...